The Nurul Musthofa Talim Assembly or better known as the Nurul Musthofa Council (NM) is a Talim Assembly which was founded on February 20, 1996 by Habib Hasan bin Jafar Assegaf[1]. Nurul Musthofa is taken from another name Rasulullah SAW which means "Light of Choice". Assembly of Nurul Musthofa is located at Jl. RM Kahfi I Gg. Mangosteen, Ciganjur - South Jakarta. The Assembly of Nurul Musthofa holds routine recitations for men at maghrib every Monday and Wednesday evenings at the Segaf Palace (Gg.Manggis), public recitations on Friday night of Mawlid Ad Dibai at the Nurul Musthofa Mosque and public recitations around Jabodetabek at isya on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday nights.DESCLAIMER:All songs (mp3) that are presented are all sourced from the internet. Copyright of all songsThis application is fully owned by the creators, musicians, music labels concerned.If there are violations that do not want to be displayed in this application, please contact our developer contact.